
Το προϊόν διατίθεται με έκπτωση τιμής 80%. Η προσφορά ισχύει για άλλα 2 τεμάχια.

hymns ancient & modern

Hymns Ancient & Modern

32 Hymns And Songs For Refreshing Worship

15,00 € 3,00 €
* Η τιμή περιλαμβάνει το νόμιμο Φ.Π.Α.



  1. O Lord My God, When I In Awesome Wonder
  2. In Christ Alone
  3. And Can It Be
  4. Shine, Jesus, Shine
  5. How Deep The Father’s Love For Us
  6. The Lord’s My Shepherd
  7. Lord, For The Years
  8. The Servant King
  9. Meekness And Majesty
  10. Blessed Assurance
  11. Here Is Love
  12. Tell Out, My Soul, The Greatness Of The Lord!
  13. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
  14. Take My Life, And Let It Be
  15. Praise To The Holiest In The Height
  16. All Heaven Declares




  1. Abide With Me; Fast Falls The Eventide
  2. All Things Bright And Beautiful
  3. Amazing Grace
  4. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  5. Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
  6. How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds
  7. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
  8. Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
  9. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
  10. Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
  11. O Jesus, I Have Promised
  12. How Great Thou Art
  13. The Old Rugged Cross
  14. The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended
  15. The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
  16. The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want

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