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Ο Bill και η Gloria Gaither μαζί με τους Homecoming φίλους τους γυρνάνε το χρόνο πίσω και μας παρουσιάζουν το “Hymns”. Μια συλλογή παλαιότερων, αγαπημένων ύμνων.

Ηχογραφημένο στο Billy Graham Training Center, στο Asheville, στη βόρεια Καρολίνα των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, το “Hymns” μας μεταφέρει στον 19ο αιώνα και μας παρουσιάζει διαχρονικούς και κλασσικούς ύμνους.


  1. Hallelujah! We Shall Rise (with Ann Downing/Squire Parsons/Amy Lambert/Mike Allen)
  2. At Calvary (with The Homecoming Friends)
  3. Beautiful Life, A (with The Florida Boys)
  4. He Will Lead His Children Home (with The Homecoming Friends)
  5. I’d Rather Be an Old-Time Christian (with Reggie Smith/Jim Hamill/Ben Speer/Gene McDonald)
  6. Rose Among the Thorns, A (with The Bishops)
  7. God Put a Rainbow in the Clouds (with The Hayes Family)
  8. He Giveth More Grace (with Reggie Smith/Ladyelove Smith)
  9. Grace Greater Than Our Sin
  10. Nothing But the Blood (with The Homecoming Friends/Buddy Greene)
  11. Wayfaring Stranger (with The Isaacs)
  12. Joy Unspeakable (with Joy Gardner/Tanya Goodman Sykes/Wesley Pritchard/Sarah DeLane)
  13. Just a Little Talk With Jesus (with Larry Ford/Stephen Hill/Lillie Knauls)
  14. Life’s Railway to Heaven (with Buddy Mullins/Joy Gardner/Stephen Hill)
  15. Without Him (with Jake Hess/Wesley Pritchard/Woody Wright/George Younce/Hovie Lister)
  16. Does Jesus Care? (with Ivan Parker)
  17. Old Account Was Settlled Long Ago, The (with Terry Blackwood/Calvin Newton/Lillie Knauls)
  18. Satisfied (with The Gaither Vocal Band)
  19. Softly and Tenderly (with Cynthia Clawson)

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