
Το προϊόν διατίθεται με έκπτωση τιμής 75%. Η προσφορά ισχύει για άλλο 1 τεμάχιο.


30 Favorite Bluegrass Hymns

12,00 € 3,00 €
* Η τιμή περιλαμβάνει το νόμιμο Φ.Π.Α.

30 Instrumental Bluegrass Gospel On 2 CD’s


Disc 1

  1. Cryin’ Holy Unto the Lord
  2. Church In the Wildwood
  3. Shall We Gather At the River
  4. Angel Band
  5. Are You Washed In the Blood
  6. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
  7. Where the Soul Never Dies
  8. This World is Not My Home
  9. When We All Get To Heaven
  10. Just Over In the Gloryland
  11. Nothign But the Blood of Jesus
  12. Standing On the Promises
  13. In the Sweet By and By
  14. The Unclouded Day
  15. I Love To Tell the Story/Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus


Disc 2

  1. The Old-Time Religion
  2. I Am a Pilgrim
  3. I Am Bound For the Promised Land
  4. When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
  5. There is Power In the Blood
  6. Keep On the Sunny Side of Life
  7. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
  8. Bringing In the Sheaves
  9. Hallelujah, I’m Ready
  10. The Lily of the Valley
  11. Life’s Railway To Heaven
  12. ‘Tis So Sweet
  13. Send the Light
  14. Will the Circle Be Unbroken
  15. Amazing Grace

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