
Until the Whole World Hears Live


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Μια live παραγωγή από το συγκρότημα που κέρδισε το τίτλο “Artist of the Year” των βραβείων Dove για το 2010.

Περιλαμβάνει live ηχογραφημένα κομμάτια από τις συναυλίες τους μέσα στον χρόνο που άγγιξαν περισσότερα από 350.000 άτομα σε 82 πόλεις των Η.Π.Α, καθώς και πλούσιο υλικό από τα παρασκήνια, συνεντεύξεις και πολλά άλλα…


Disk 1 (CD):

  1. Until The Whole World Hears
  2. If We’ve Ever Needed You
  3. Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
  4. Mercy
  5. To Know You
  6. Holy One
  7. Blessed Redeemer
  8. At Your Feet

Disc 2 (DVD)

  1. Until The Whole World Hears
  2. If We’ve Ever Needed You
  3. Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
  4. Mercy
  5. Where The Songs Came From
  6. To Know You
  7. Holy One
  8. Blessed Redeemer
  9. Mark’s Encouragement
  10. At Your Feet
  11. Until The Whole World Hears (Live – End Credits)
  12. Until The Whole World Hears
  13. Teaching Video Series – Introduction; Until The WHole World Hears\ Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
  14. Teaching Video Series – The Glove; Until The WHole World Hears\ Just Ducky\ Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
  15. Teaching Video Series – The Tree; Until The WHole World Hears\ If We’ve Ever Needed You Casting
  16. Teaching Video Series – Love Them Like Jesus – Prayer; Until The WHole World Hears\ If We’ve Ever Needed You
  17. Teaching Video Series – Love Them Like Jesus – Scripture; Until The WHole World Hears\ If We’ve Ever Needed You
  18. Laser Tag; Holy One\ The Journey
  19. The Crew
  20. Crowns Kids
  21. Our New Drummer
  22. Cornhole
  23. Adopting Hope
  24. Inside Scoop: Two Minutes With Mark’s Parents

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